Why choose a licensed locksmith?
Have you ever been cruising through google looking for a locksmith and seen something like “$15 LOCKSMITH | <Insert your city name here> ? Yeah, that’s a sure sign you’re about to get taken to the cleaners. If you actually think any trades person is going to cost $15 to repair anything for you in 2022 you’re dreaming. Let’s take a step back and critically assess the situation. You’re locked out of your home let’s say, and you do not possess the tools or experience to get back in. You call a professional to come let you in. But wait, you don’t just need a repair, you’re in a vulnerable position. You have just become prey to some less than reputable people. We’re going to show you how to identify a lock predator.
The Real Cost
Look, it costs us money to come see you. It’s a business, there are operational costs. What you see on the surface is a locksmith is at your home for 5-30 minutes. What you’re not seeing are the costs of doing business.
Drive Time
Utility Bills
Website Hosting
Vehicle Maintenance
Even for the guy advertising “$15 Locksmith” it’s never going to be $15. Sure, it’s $15, to show up. Watch though, how that quickly turns into something like $50 per pin picked, or “this is high security we have to drill it out” and then proceeds to sell you a $30 deadbolt for $300. It’s 10pm though, you’re cold, you’ve been locked out for awhile, and you just want in your house. So you cave, and you eat a massive bill.
Most of those business practices are illegal. Sorry to say though, even though in BC we have licensing, these companies are never shut down. Even if the web page disappears, it will be back with a new color scheme pretty quick. The company is probably registered to a numbered company registered to a numbered company registered to a… you get the point. Should the governing body take action and clean it up? Yup. Is it going to happen? Nope.
Licensed Locksmiths in BC
Enter the licensed locksmith. In order to maintain a license it’s mandatory to follow proper business practices. You have to undergo criminal record checks, finger printing, etc. There are three types of licenses in BC. A business, locksmith, and locksmith under supervision licenses.
A business must have it’s own security license in BC. Part of the requirements to obtain this license is the business must employee a fully licensed locksmith. This ensures that there is at least one fully qualified individual on board. Without this requirement literally anyone could be a locksmith. Buying a drill and some deadbolts doesn’t make you a locksmith.
Each individual wanting to be employed as a locksmith must hold a security workers license denoting they’re working as a locksmith. There are two levels to this, a fully ticketed, and an under supervision locksmith. Or in other words, a journeyman and an apprentice. We’ll cover in more depth how to actually become a locksmith in another article, as it’s quite extensive.
Choosing a Licensed Locksmith
That’s great and all, but how do I find a licensed locksmith?
Google Local Services. It’s literally that easy. When you google “locksmith langley” or “locksmith surrey” let’s say, you’ll notice the very first thing to pop up is a trio of locksmiths with a little button saying “more locksmiths”. Every locksmith on that list has a license. Part of the requirements to be listed on the Google Local Services is you have to have and maintain:
Security Business License
Background Check through Google
While we cannot vouch for the quality of every business on the list, at least they will be licensed, and therefor have some sort of official training and proper business practices.
For more information on Google Local Services check out our blog post!
Looking for a Locksmith?
Are you looking for locksmith services in the Langley / Surrey area? Crono Lock offers professional locksmithing services. We are fully licensed, insured, and built upon three generations of security professionals. Check out our Google Local Services listing, or visit us at our home page.
Assortment of lock pins.
Some standard pins, mushroom, barrels, chisel, and side pins.