Lock Picking
Hello there…
Welcome to the world of lockpicking. We take lockpicking quite seriously. Too many smiths are quick to bust out the rotary pick and blast their way through a door. Stay awhile and listen, learn to pick, and find out what makes a great lockpick. Maybe when you’re done try and score yourself a Reaper Kit or Book of Bones. Just don’t break Rule 2.
The Best Lockpicks
There are several options when it comes to lockpicks. What brand you use can be largely subjective, however there are some manufacturers that are regarded as better than others.
The "Jiggle Test" by Naswek
The Jiggle Test is a fundamental piece of knowledge that every lock picker should know. Being able to discern pin states is absolutely essentail to successful lockpicking.
Dimple Locks by Lock Noob
While very similar to a standard lock, a dimple lock generally utilizes a different set of picks.
Disc Detainer Locks by Lock Noob
The world of Disc Detainer locks, often called a DD, can almost feel like its own world.
Lever Locks by Lock Noob
A lever lock uses a set of levers inside the lock to prevent the bolt from moving.
Gin Spools by Artichoke
As you advance into more difficult locks, gin drivers will become more prevelant. Understanding how to set gin drivers takes finesse and refined fine motor skills.
Barrels (Part 1) by Artichoke
Another tricky pin that you will encounter during your journey through lock picking. Barrels present a similar challenge to Gins.
Barrels (Part 2) by Artichoke
Further information in regards to Barrel Drivers.
Start your locksport journey!
While this is a great start to your lock picking journey, it's best to focus on the specific lock you're aiming to pick. Each lock has unique features, challenges, and sometimes even tricks. Some locks require heavy tension, while others need just a light touch. To pick a lock efficiently and successfully, it's recommended to understand its mechanics inside and out.
Join Lock Pickers United!
Consider joining Lock Pickers United (LPU), a global community of lock pickers on Reddit and Discord. Connect with lock enthusiasts worldwide, discuss locks, and tap into a wealth of knowledge. Enhance your skills through the LPU's unique belt ranking system.
Join the Discord or Join the Reddit
Want to learn more about the belt system, and what locks there are to pick? Check out LPU Belts and delve into the world of locksport.
Know the laws of your governing body prior to joining locksport or purchasing lock picks. Some states, provinces, and/or countries may prohibit the possession of lockpicks. Other areas may allow the possession with a license, some areas may have no prohibition at all. It is your responsibility to know and follow the law. Crono Lock LTD is not responsible for your actions. This information has been provided for educational purposes only. Crono Lock LTD has no affiliation with any YouTubers or organizations listed on this page.
Crono Lock LTD does not condone the use of lockpicks for criminal activity.