High Security Keys

The Ultimate in Key Control

Are you considering upgrading to a High Security Key? That’s great, but before you do let’s take a look at when a restricted keyway is appropriate to use. Certain applications don’t make sense, and will be overkill.

Reality is very few crimes are committed by picking your lock. In North America it’s about 2%. Most break-ins are smash n’ grabs, or an internal issue. That doesn’t mean a high security key is entirely pointless, the main purpose is key control. Having a restricted keyway will prevent unwanted duplication of your keys. Let’s first breakdown when it’s pointless to have a high security keyway.

How it Works

A High Security key is also called a restricted key. Only the locksmith who the keyway is registered can duplicate your key. Locksmiths pay a fee to a manufacturer or distributor to become a licensed dealer of their restricted key. By keeping adequate and comprehensive records, a locksmith can retain control over who can and cannot get a duplicate made.

Residential High Security Keys

When it comes to protecting your home, a high security keyway doesn’t offer much. Take a look at your exterior doors, are there windows nearby? Yeah, they’re going to smash those instead. Do you live in an apartment or condo? The probability of someone breaching their way to your building, and then your floor, and then your unit is quite low. Sure it’s not impossible, and people have certainly scaled buildings to breach through a balcony. It’s rare though.

However, where a high security key does protect you is key duplication. By having a high security key a coworker, family member, or friend cannot swipe your keys and get a copy made at say Home Depot.

Commercial High Security Keys

Now we’re getting into the real reason for a high security keyway. As a business you want to keep control over who has access to your property. With a restricted key, and proper record keeping, you can keep track of who has a key to your business. In cases of internal theft, it can quickly become apparent who gained access to the property when all keys are accounted for. Additionally, it allows you to know for certain all keys have been returned when an employee is let go. If the staff member doesn’t return the key, you know it’s time to rekey your business. With a standard key such as a SC4 or WR5, even if they return their key you won’t know if they’ve duplicated it.

What It Doesn’t Prevent

It a utopia no one commits crimes. We would put locks on our doors and everyone would respect our privacy and property. Unfortunately, that isn’t the world we live in. All we can do is make things increasingly difficult for a criminal. All we’re really trying to do is make them reconsider, and move on to someone else. Don’t believe us, check out this article from Nanaimo where thieves smashed a truck into a building to steal an ATM.

Pickup truck smashes into Nanaimo liquor store to steal ATM | CTV News


While physical security isn’t perfect, it’s still worth upgrading from a business perspective. While we cannot prevent crime entirely, we can hinder it. With a high security key you’ll be in far greater control of who can and cannot enter an area, and will greatly impact internal conflict.

Ready to consider a restricted keyway and live in Langley or Surrey? Check out our Rekey page for more info.

high security key

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