Kids Locked in Cars

Child Safety and Vehicle Locks

Every year children in North America die from being stuck or left in a hot car. In 2021 twenty three children died while in a hot car. It’s a scary statistic, and should never happen. Often times it is unintentional, but it happens, and its largely avoidable. There are several things you can do to avoid the horrific tragedy of losing your child.

  • Set an alarm on your phone

  • Have your child care provider call you at a set time

  • Place your belongings in the rear of the vehicle with your child

  • Take your child into the store with you

  • Check for your keys and keep your batteries fresh

It might all sound so simple, because it is. Lets go through some of the options

Setting an alarm on your phone. Most of us carry a smart phone these days. Look, life is busy, as parents we are all running around like crazy trying to get things done. It’s easy to forget things, even our kids. Setting an alarm will help by having an audio / visual stimulant to bring your child back into your mind.

Having your child care provider call you at a set time. Some children have perished due to parents going to work, forgetting to bring they’re child to the child care provider entirely. Yeah, it’s a thing. It’s happened, and more than once. Asking your care provider to call you at a set time will again prompt that audio / visual stimulant before its too late. If you start work at 9am lets say, have your care provider call you at 8:55 as you’re walking into work.

Placing your belongings in the back seat near your child, will force you to interact with your child. It becomes increasingly difficult to not notice your child when they’re directly in your field of view. Maybe you have a quiet child and your commute is long. Maybe they’ve fallen asleep and you absent mindedly go about your regular routine. Next thing you know your child is baking to death in the back seat while you’re deep into your work.

Take your child into the store. Getting kids in and out of car seats is a pain. Know what’s worse? Carrying a child size casket. How many times have you gone into a store for just an item or two, and before you know it you’ve been there an hour. You get carried away, distracted, maybe you ran into a friend. Just take them with you. The risk is not worth the reward.

Check for your keys, and keep your batteries fresh. As cars start using prox keys and push button start, its getting easier and easier to forget your keys in the car. Some cars now come equipped with sensors so that the car will not auto lock while your keys are inside. That feature doesn’t always work if your remote battery is dead. If your battery is low, or dead, the vehicle may not always see your key fob when it does it’s periodical check. Lots of makes / models will auto lock if they do not detect a key fob within the vehicle after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed. Every make / model is different, so consult your owner’s manual to ensure you are well aware of how your vehicle operates.

For more information on child safety tips, visit Home |

Crono Kids in Cars

Crono Lock will never charge for getting into your vehicle if your child is stuck inside. In this sort of event, you’ve already been through enough trauma. You don’t need a bill on top of it. We won’t judge you, we won’t berate you. All we care about is that your child is safe.

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