Google Local Services
Finding the Right Locksmith
As the world grows more digital every day, so does marketing. As you or your parents may remember, we used to have a big book that was updated once a year. The Yellow Pages. Now with cell phones, we have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips. I’m sure you’ve been looking for a service or a product and your first instinct was to head to Google. Google certainly capitalized on this idea. What you might not know is how much it impacts small business. Being first on Google is everything. Unfortunately, there are many ways to scam the system. People or companies who operate without a security license, or a business license at all, can often find their way to the top of a Google Search. Google’s resolution to this was their Local Services program.
Regular Paid Ads
Whenever you search for something, you’ll notice next to a link it might say “Ad”. These are called pay-per-click ads. They’re exactly what they sound like, every time that link is clicked the business has to pay a fee. Getting an ad to come up this way is quite simple, and there is not much in terms of vetting. Pretty much anyone can sign up and get an ad going this way. This is how you end up getting a locksmith who charges you $400 to $500 for something that should have only cost you $90 to $150.
Local Services
Thus, Local Services was born. Google has an extensive vetting program, including criminal record checks, licensing and insurance requirements, and even proof of what tools, equipment, and vehicles you use. While we can’t speak for our competition, it’s safe to say that at the very least, any locksmith company on the Local Services list is licensed, insured, and has the adequate means to service your locks.
Another benefit of using the Google Local Services, is that when you use a company with a Green Checkmark, Google will back-up that companies work. Insuring your services with up to $2000.00 CAD in additional insurance through Google.
The Reviews
One of the other major benefits is the reviews. With the Google Local Services program you can see reviews from Google verified jobs. These are real people who really had that company attend to their needs. Just sort by “Verified at Top” and you’ll be reading real reviews from real people.
The Cost
The only downside is for the business itself it is quite costly to have that Green Checkmark. Each client who calls through this method costs the business $14-$30 CAD. For ourselves we average $20 CAD per client. Naturally that cost must work its way back into our service call. For those of us that grew up with the internet, we’re used to the idea that digital ads like this cost pennies. While we love that we can reach our customers so easily, and provide a higher level of service and quality. We ask that before you click on any small business’ ad, remember it might cost them a few dollars.
Still want to know more about Google Local Services? Check out their FAQ page!
Do you live in Langley or Surrey and need a locksmith? Crono Lock is available from 5am to 11pm every day, and 24/7 for select commercial clients. Check out what we have to offer at our landing page!
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