The 3 Best Deadbolt Locks For 2023

There are plenty of different deadbolts out there. Today we’re going to cover what we feel are the top three options on the market today. We’ve broken it down into three options, the budget, the mid, and the commercial tiers. 

LSDA 20R (Budget-Tier)

Coming in at $40CAD, the LSDA 20R series of deadbolts is the bare minimum we feel a property should invest in. This line of deadbolts is a Grade 3 deadbolt, and can be purchased as either a drive in or a faceplate option. However, as it is a budget option, does not come with both options, you need to choose which you want. The bolt is adjustable however, meaning you do not have to worry about what backset you need.

Schlage B60 (Mid-Tier)

The Schlage B60 is all around a great deadbolt. Landing  at a $70CAD price point this is our go to for most residential applications. Unfortunately Schlage has done away with the shroud on this model, making it not as good as its former self. Still, even without the Shroud Schlage has made a stunning and well functioning deadbolt. Stock with an adjustable backset bolt, and both a faceplate or drive-in option in the box. You cannot go wrong with a Schlage B60.

Schlage B560 (Commercial Tier)

At the $95CAD bracket, the Schlage B560 is the B60’s bigger badder brother. With a shroud and even sturdier design, the Schlage B560 is perfect for almost anything. While not as sleak looking as the B60, this model is perfect for a commercial or industrial setting. Stock with an adjustable backset bolt, and again both drive-in and faceplate options in the box.


Whatever your budget may be, any of these three bolts will not disappoint. If you’re looking to purchase a new deadbolt, Crono Lock offers a small array of options through our online Lockshop. Or maybe you just want to skip the fuss and have us install your new locks for you. If that’s the case go check out our Installation and Repairs page.


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