Weiser vs Baldwin: Which Lock is Better?

Today we’re going to put two more big boys in the door hardware world up against each other. Weiser versus Baldwin, another powerhouse of brand names. Weiser being a common name in most households in North America today, and Baldwin being a leader in pristine upper scale door hardware.


This isn’t the first time we’ve touched on Weiser, and it won’t be the last. Weiser makes a great entry level product. Just be mindful of which product’s you're buying though, as there is a distinct difference in quality from base level Weiser and the heavier end of the price tag. While the high end of Weiser can be quite beautiful, and the finish is half decent, the low end feels cheap and thin. Remember to avoid SmartKey like the plague, it’s really truly an awful keyway, and you’ll only get 1-3 years out of it. Weiser is the ideal product for a rental unit.


With great quality comes a great price tag, and I don’t mean affordable. Rugged yet elegant would best describe Baldwin. Don’t worry though these bad boys won’t shoot you. We’ve seen several Baldwin products in the field that have been going strong for twenty plus years. As long as you maintain proper maintenance they will stand the test of time. We would still recommend sticking with a finish that is not plated, that is true regardless of brand (unless a rough patina is the look you’re going for). While I still would not install Baldwin in a house full of Bantam hockey players, it’s worth the price point it lands in.


Again, just as with Weiser vs Emtek, it’s all about application. Are you willing to spend the money on hardware your kids or tenants might destroy? Or are you living a more calm lifestyle that will promote proper use and maintenance of your hardware? If you’re willing to put up the money, Baldwin is the superior product by far.

Are you looking to upgrade your door hardware? Crono Lock provides professional locksmithing services in the Langley area. Whether you’re looking for new door hardware or just looking to rekey your home, our professional locksmiths are here to help. Call us today or visit our homepage for more information.


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