The Locksmith's Dilemma: A Comparison of Video Game Locksmithing to Real-Life Lock Picking
Locksmithing is a skill that has fascinated people for centuries, allowing individuals to manipulate locks and gain access to secured areas or objects. In the realm of video games, various titles have attempted to recreate the art of lock picking, adding an element of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. In this blog, we will delve into the portrayal of locksmithing in four popular video games: Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Fallout 3, and Hogwarts Legacy. We will compare these virtual representations to the realities of real lock picking, exploring the similarities, differences, and the lessons we can draw from each experience.
Skyrim: Mastering the Art of Lockpicking:
In Skyrim, lockpicking is a crucial skill for any adventurer looking to explore dungeons, unlock treasure chests, or gain access to forbidden areas. The game mechanics involve a mini-game where players must rotate the lockpick with the thumbstick and carefully push up the other joystick to rotate the lock via the tension wrench. If too much tension is applied this will snap your lockpick. While this representation captures some aspects of real lock picking, it oversimplifies the process, and lockpicks do not quite break in this way. Real-life lock picking requires a deeper understanding of the inner workings of locks, including the use of specific tools and techniques to manipulate the inner mechanisms of the lock.
Grade: I give Skyrim a B+. While not really hitting the mark, it at least requires you to use two tools.
Lock Picking in Skyrim
World of Warcraft: Rogue's Cunning and Lockpicking:
World of Warcraft introduces the rogue class, known for its stealth and cunning. As part of their skill set, rogues can learn the art of lockpicking, allowing them to open locked chests and doors. Unlike Skyrim, World of Warcraft does not provide a mini-game for lock picking. Instead, it grants rogues the ability to open locks instantly, showcasing their expertise. However, this depiction lacks the complexity and intricacy of real lock picking. While this feature does add some depth to the game, and we all hope one day to pull something crazy from a lockbox, the basic game design doesn’t really hold up to what actual lockpicking is. In a later expansion, Shadowlands, there was an additional chest added to the game in an instanced content called “Torghast, Tower of the Damned”. This chest involved pulling various levers until the symbols above the chest all matched. This is a little more similar to how a lock functions in that the pins inside the lock all need to align properly in order for the lock to open.
So for a grade I give WoW a C. It would have been a D, but the Torghast chest redeems itself.
Chest from World of Warcraft
Fallout 3: Surviving in the Wasteland:
Fallout 3 takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, where scavenging for supplies and unlocking safes becomes a vital survival skill. The lockpicking mechanism in this game involves players using a bobby pin and a screwdriver to manipulate the lock and open the container. While it presents a more realistic representation than the previous two games, it still simplifies the process. The game mechanics work similar to that of Skyrim, as their both Bethesda games. However Fallout has replaced the tension wrench with a screwdriver. While not unrealistic, there are far better options than a screwdriver for a tension wrench such as a wiper blade insert. While improvised tools are common among locksport enthusiasts, real lock picking often involves an assortment of hyper specialized tools and methods, tailored to the specific lock being tackled. Such as a disc detainer pick for Protec2, or a Lishi pick for a Toyota Tacoma.
Grade: For Fallout we’ll end at a B++. While similar to Skryim, the tools are a little more realistic and plausible to be used.
Fallout 3 Lock Picking
Hogwarts Legacy
In the enchanting world of Hogwarts Legacy, lockpicking is an essential skill that often comes into play for budding wizards and witches seeking to unravel mysteries and unlock hidden secrets. With their wands and magical prowess, students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry learn the intricate art of lockpicking, honing their dexterity and concentration to manipulate the mechanisms of enchanted locks. Again using the thumbsticks, one must move their whisp to the correct slot, and then align each disc to a particular spot. If done correctly all the dials will begin to spin. While this game has added a much deeper breath of fresh air to lockpicking in video games, and far more intricate graphical detail, this is about as close as it gets to real lock picking. Obviously there are no picks involved, as its magic! The overall detail does convey much more accurately how a lock works. Though this is more similar to a safe dial than a keyed lock.
Grade: I’ll give it an A. This is as good as it gets for AAA game titles at the moment. It loses the plus because its using magic and not picks or tools.
Hogwarts Legacy Lock Picking
Lessons from the Games:
While these video games provide entertaining experiences, they fail to fully capture the intricacies and complexities of real lock picking. However, they do serve as a starting point for generating interest and curiosity about the craft. They introduce players to the basic concepts of manipulating locks and spark a desire to explore the field further. For those genuinely interested in lock picking, delving into real-world resources, training, and professional guidance is essential to acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to become a competent locksmith.
Locksmithing in video games such as Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Fallout 3, and Hogwarts Legacy serves as a gateway to the world of lock picking. While these games offer a simplified and sometimes unrealistic portrayal of the craft, they succeed in piquing curiosity and generating interest in this age-old skill. Real lock picking is a complex art that requires technical expertise, understanding of different lock types, and experience with specialized tools. So, if you find yourself drawn to the virtual realm of lock picking, remember that the real-world journey awaits, where you can unlock the mysteries of this fascinating craft.
If you’re interested in lockpicking, consider picking up one of our Reaper Lock Pick Kits.