The Importance of Rekeying Your Home or Business: When and Why

When it comes to securing your home or business, one of the most effective yet often overlooked steps is rekeying your locks. Rekeying involves changing the internal components of a lock so that it works with a new key, rendering any old keys useless. This simple process can significantly enhance the security of your property without the need for completely replacing your locks. In this blog, we'll explore why rekeying is important, when you should consider it, and how it contributes to your overall security.

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Why Rekeying is Important

Rekeying is a crucial aspect of maintaining security because it ensures that only authorized individuals have access to your property. Whether you're a homeowner, landlord, or business owner, the safety of your premises hinges on knowing who has access. Over time, keys can change hands more times than you might realize—whether it's a former tenant, an ex-employee, or a contractor. Rekeying provides peace of mind by resetting access control.

Additionally, rekeying is often a more cost-effective solution than replacing all the locks in your home or business. If your locks are in good condition but you’re concerned about who might have a key, rekeying is a practical option that offers the same level of security as installing new locks.

When to Rekey Your Home or Business

There are several scenarios where rekeying is not only advisable but necessary:

  1. After Moving into a New Home or Office

    • When you move into a new property, you can’t be sure how many people have copies of the existing keys. Previous owners, tenants, real estate agents, and contractors might all have access. Rekeying ensures that only you and those you trust can enter.

  2. After Losing a Key

    • Losing a key is a common occurrence, and while it may seem like a minor inconvenience, it poses a security risk. Even if you think the key is lost in a harmless place, you can’t be certain that it won’t end up in the wrong hands. Rekeying eliminates this risk.

  3. Following a Break-In or Attempted Break-In

    • If your property has been broken into or if there has been an attempted break-in, it’s essential to rekey your locks immediately. Even if the intruder didn’t take a key, they might have tampered with your locks. Rekeying ensures that any potential vulnerabilities are addressed.

  4. After a Change in Domestic Situation

    • If you’ve recently gone through a breakup, divorce, or had a falling out with someone who had access to your property, rekeying is a necessary step to ensure they can no longer enter your home or business.

  5. After Employee Turnover

    • In a business setting, especially if you’ve had an employee leave under less-than-ideal circumstances, rekeying is crucial. You don’t want to risk unauthorized access to your business, sensitive information, or inventory.

  6. Routine Maintenance and Security Upgrades

    • Even without an immediate cause, it’s wise to periodically rekey your locks as part of regular security maintenance. This is particularly important for businesses where access needs may change over time, or for rental properties with frequent tenant turnover.

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How Rekeying Enhances Security

Rekeying is an efficient way to maintain control over who has access to your property. It prevents potential security breaches by ensuring that any old keys no longer work, effectively locking out anyone who shouldn’t have access. Additionally, rekeying can be tailored to your needs—such as creating master key systems for businesses where different levels of access are required.

Another advantage of rekeying is the ability to key multiple locks alike. If you have several doors that use different keys, a locksmith can rekey them to work with a single key, making it more convenient and secure for you to manage access to various parts of your property.


Rekeying your home or business is an essential security measure that provides peace of mind and ensures that you have full control over who has access to your property. Whether you’ve just moved in, lost a key, experienced a break-in, or simply want to upgrade your security, rekeying is a cost-effective and straightforward solution. Don’t wait for a security breach to take action—consider rekeying as a proactive step to protect what matters most.



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