Merry Wick-mas

In the shadowed streets of Langley, a city that thrived on secrets and whispered deals, there existed a man known only as "Lockpick." A notorious hitman, his reputation was built on his unique and deadly method of execution. Lockpick was a master of subtlety, and his weapon of choice was a set of custom-made knives that resembled lockpicks. Each blade was a deadly instrument, honed to perfection, capable of unlocking doors and ending lives with equal precision.

Lockpick's clients ranged from politicians with inconvenient rivals to crime lords eliminating threats. His services were both expensive and untraceable, a deadly combination in the underworld.

One fateful evening, Lockpick found himself in a dimly lit alleyway, waiting for his latest target, a powerful mob boss. As the target approached, Lockpick emerged from the shadows, silently slipping his lockpick-shaped knives from their hidden sheaths. With a few quick, surgical strikes, the mob boss lay lifeless on the cold pavement.

But the night took an unexpected turn when Lockpick returned to his safehouse to find a letter waiting for him. It was a contract – a hit on Lockpick himself. His reputation had grown too powerful, and his anonymity had been compromised. Someone wanted him gone.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lockpick embarked on a relentless quest to uncover the people behind the contract. He left a trail of blood in his wake, systematically eliminating anyone who had a connection to the hit, all while using his deadly knives to carve his way through the city's criminal underworld.

The gang responsible for the hit on Lockpick was in chaos. Fear had gripped their hearts as their numbers dwindled, and their leaders fell one by one. Panic spread like wildfire as they realized the relentless hitman was closing in.

In the darkest hours of the night, Lockpick confronted the gang's leader, a ruthless and cunning figure known as Vincent "The Viper" Russo. The showdown was intense, with gunfire echoing through the hidden corners of Langley. Lockpick took several shots, his body battered and bleeding, but his determination was unwavering.

The final confrontation came to a head in an abandoned warehouse near the waterfront. Lockpick and Russo faced off, with only the dim, flickering light of a single overhead bulb to illuminate their deadly dance. Lockpick's knives clashed with Russo's firearm, the room filled with sparks and the echoes of deadly intent.

In the end, Lockpick's skill and determination prevailed. With a swift, calculated move, he disarmed Russo and swiftly dispatched him with a lethal lockpick knife strike. The gang's reign of terror was over, and Langley's underworld was forever changed.

Battered and near death, Lockpick emerged victorious, his body a testament to the countless battles he had fought and won. He retreated to a local bar, where he ordered a whisky neat, savoring the moment of triumph. As he raised his glass, the bar's television showed the Seattle Kraken winning the playoffs, a symbol of victory in a world filled with chaos and darkness.

With a wry smile, Lockpick clinked his glass, knowing that the shadows of Langley held many secrets, but he was the deadliest secret of them all, and he intended to remain that way.


The Truth is Out There…


Raiders of the Lost Lock