Locksmith Langley

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Lockpicks and You - Delving Into Obsession

If you’re reading this then you’re likely delving deeper into lockpicking. As a locksmith I’ve spent numerous hours picking locks. I’ve way more money than my wife needs to know on lockpicks. From my experience I’ve come down to three favourites. Bare Bones, Multipick, and Jimy Longs. Lishi picks are great and all, but nothing can replace the real thing. Lockpicking is an artform, and lockpicks are the brushes. If you’re going to progress in your lock picking journey, you’ll need the right tools for the job.

Bare Bones Lock Picking

From Australia Bare Bones makes their lockpicks from 301 high yield stainless steel. The handles are 3D printed and come in a wide array of styles. The Femur is my particular favourite, though the Reaper exclusive is definitely a great feel as well. Their pricing varies depending on which handle style you go with, but their standard picks can be purchased with or without a DLP resin handle if you’re on a budget. Overall 10/10, and their customer service is top notch. As you would expect from a smaller maker.

Bare Bones Lock Picking


Multipick is the polar opposite of Bare Bones. Big, corporate, no frills. While the Elite series from Multipick is not exactly stunning or extravagant, they’re highly durable. The blades are made from high quality spring steel, sandwiched between stainless steel. They are by far the most expensive picks out of this lot. I’m not sure I would say they’re the best, but they’re very good. Are they worth double Bare Bones or Jimy Longs? Mmm… I don’t know. Not really. They won’t disappoint though. One thing to note is that their handles are much much thinner. If you’re used to having thick handles like a Peterson this is not that. Their dimple picks are by far my favorite, might hurt your hands a bit if you’re picking for long stretches of time, but they’re very well made.


Jimy Longs

Amazing picks. Pound for pound every bit of excellence you could ask for. Nothing flashy, but extremely well designed. One of the most durable picks you will ever own, and lightweight. Made from high yield stainless steel and tuned using finite elemental analysis. Jimy has put an immense amount of dedication into these picks. Everyone should have a set in their collection. One downside is that their shaft, while adding durability, can be a burden on some locks. Sometimes getting in the way and oversetting earlier pins. While this is not always the case, it is something to be aware of.

Jimy Longs

Honorable Mention:

Moki makes some wonderful picks I’ve heard. At the time of writing this I have some on order, and I will have to return at a later date to let you know how they are. Until then, I’ll leave it as a highly recommended by trusted peers. If you’re looking for some Moki picks, you can probably find him in the LPU discord.

LPU Discord


When it comes to lockpicks, it really comes down to what feels comfortable in your hands. From my experience these three have been the ones I keep coming back to. At the end of the day, you’ll really have to go through the gauntlet to find what you like best. However, these three makers are widely regarded as some of the best. Many thanks for reading.

If you’re looking for lockpicks, maybe consider one of our Reaper Pick Kits that features exclusive Bare Bones picks.

Reaper Pick Kit