The Battle of Accessibility: Door Knobs vs. Door Levers

When it comes to the functional and aesthetic aspects of our homes, we often overlook the significance of door hardware. Door knobs and door levers are two common types of handles used to open and close doors. While they may seem like minor details, the choice between these two options can have a significant impact on accessibility, ease of use, and overall design. In this blog, we will compare door knobs and door levers to help you make an informed decision for your home.


One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing door hardware is accessibility, especially for individuals with disabilities or limited hand mobility. Door levers have a distinct advantage in this regard. Unlike door knobs, which require a twisting motion to operate, levers only require a simple push down or pull up action. This design makes them more accessible to people with arthritis, elderly individuals, and those with disabilities.

Ease of Use:

In addition to accessibility, the ease of use is another significant aspect to consider. Door levers, with their intuitive design, provide a natural grip and require minimal effort to operate. They are suitable for individuals with weakened grip strength, children, and even when your hands are full. On the other hand, door knobs can be challenging to maneuver, particularly if they are sticky or require a firm grip to turn. This factor can make door levers the preferred choice for many households.

Safety and Security:

When it comes to safety and security, door knobs have traditionally been the go-to option. Their design makes them more resistant to being forced open, especially when fitted with a deadbolt lock. However, advancements in door lever technology have brought about innovative lock systems that provide equal security levels. Modern lever handles now feature robust locking mechanisms that ensure your home remains safe.

Design and Aesthetics:

While functionality plays a significant role, aesthetics also matter when choosing door hardware. Door levers offer a sleek and modern look that can complement contemporary interior designs. They come in various styles, finishes, and materials, allowing for customization to match your home's décor. Door knobs, on the other hand, are available in a wide range of styles, from traditional to vintage, making them suitable for a broader range of design themes.

Installation and Maintenance:

When it comes to installation, door knobs are generally easier to replace as they require a single hole. Door levers may require multiple holes, depending on the type and lock mechanism. In terms of maintenance, both options are relatively easy to clean and maintain, with occasional lubrication recommended to ensure smooth operation.


Choosing between door knobs and door levers ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If accessibility and ease of use are a priority, door levers are the clear winner, providing convenience for a wide range of individuals. However, if you prefer a more traditional or vintage look, door knobs can still be an attractive option. Ultimately, a balance between functionality and aesthetics will help you make the best choice for your home.

If you are in Langley or the surrounding cities and are in need of locksmith services, Crono Lock is a professional fully licensed locksmith in Surrey. We offer a variety of services from Rekeys, Vehicle Keys, Lock Outs, and much more. Give us a call today, or visit our landing page for more information.


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