Locksmith Langley

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Amazon Electronic Locks vs Big Box Brands

Have you recently purchased or are considering purchasing an electronic lock? Hold on a minute. While these Amazon specials seem like a great thing, some are a disaster. We’re going to cover why you should stick to a Big Box Brand such as Weiser or Schlage when considering your next electronic lock purchase.

The Keys

The keys your receive with these locks while on the surface sound great. Dimple Lock! High Security! They sound amazing, except that getting the blanks or even figuring out what weird blank they used is a nightmare. Then if you ever need or want it rekeyed, your locksmith is going to laugh and likely tell you to buy a new lock. Even if you’re just looking for a copy, your local locksmith probably won’t have the blank.

The Support

It’s an electronic device. They do weird stuff sometimes. When you need tech support on your off-brand one of chinese or russian lock, the tech support often isn’t there. Your local locksmith may or may not be knowledgeable about your one off product, and offer little to no support. Brands like Weiser and Schlage have been around for a very long time, and most smiths have a good relationship with the manufacturer already. Products like the Schlage Encode provide a seamless and easy to use app with well written instructions. Lots of these Amazon specials are in broken english that leave the user confused or having to guess the meaning. One such example would be “when programming code if the correct user will hear “the sound of sounds”.” Whatever that means.

The Lock Out

Forgot to change your batteries? Better hope you called the right locksmith to let you in. Due to the previously mentioned strange keyway, your locksmith is likely going to take one look at it and tell you they need to drill it out. A good locksmith will give it a good ol college try, but many won’t even bother. Now that nice fancy electronic lock you bought is a heaping pile of scrap metal and you’re back to the basics.


I know it can be tempting to buy into the deal. If you still want to go with it, that’s fine too. Just be aware of the pitfalls of ordering these wonky fly by night products. There is something to be said about buying the tried and true. While I’m still not a supporter of SmartKey, if it’s an electronic lock at Home Depot, you’re pretty safe.

Do you live in Langley or the surrounding area and are considering buying an electronic lock? Crono Lock can help you through the process and help you determine which electronic lock best suits your needs. Give us a call today or visit our installation page for more information.